Taking precautions such as wearing a properly fitted face respirator when cutting kitchen worktops containing silica can help prevent lung disease. 

In May, we sounded the alarm on the silicosis risk highlighted by the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS). Now, the dangers of engineered stone are making headlines, sparking a wave of awareness, debate and concern. Despite mounting evidence, the UK Government’s response has been sluggish, leaving many worried about the lack of regulatory action.

The threat of silica dust isn’t just a UK issue. Australia has already banned the material and calls for the UK to follow suit are growing louder. Silica dust, released during the cutting and polishing of quartz worktops, can cause silicosis—a severe and potentially fatal lung disease. This has set off alarms among health professionals and industry workers.

Many workers remain unprotected due to inadequate safety measures. Those in kitchen fitting, construction, and stone masonry are particularly vulnerable. Despite the known risks, many workplaces still lack proper ventilation and fail to provide adequate personal protective equipment (PPE).

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests that while a total ban may not be necessary, stringent control measures are essential.

At G&L Consultancy, we are dedicated to enhancing workplace safety. We offer respirator face fitting services across various industries, including kitchen fitting. Our service ensures that workers have the most effective respiratory protection. We evaluate the effectiveness of disposable respirators, half-mask respirators, full-face respirators, power-assisted respirators, and breathing apparatus. By ensuring a proper fit, we can help shield workers from the harmful effects of silica dust.

Contact the friendly team at G&L Consultancy to schedule your face fit today. We also provide masks, so no need to worry if you don’t have one.

For face fits in England, please contact Kim Woodruff via email at kim.woodruff@gnl.org.uk or by phone at 01823 443898.

For face fits in Ireland, please contact Ciara Quinn via email at ciara.quinn@gnl.org.uk or by phone at 02840 623566.